3 Simple Ways to Attract Men

by | Feb 26, 2021

     It’s natural for us women to want to be noticed and appreciated. It’s natural for everyone. It feels good! But what can we do to be noticed by the right men? To gain the right kind of attention? When I tell you it doesn’t take very much, believe me. The key is feminine energy.

Most of us women like to think we are feminine. We are women after all! What’s more feminine than that? It wasn’t until recently that I discovered during most of my previous days, I was actually operating in my masculine energy.

What is masculine energy? Masculine energy is planning, thinking, acting and pursuing. It’s how you feel when you’re focusing on a project, competing in a game, or when you are anxious and insecure! When we experience social anxieties and insecurities, it becomes hard to enjoy interactions and life itself. It doesn’t feel good to be worrying, planning, scheming and obsessing, because it isn’t natural to feminine nature!

I realized I was both consciously and subconsciously pushing men away, and that isn’t what I wanted. Not only was I pushing people away, but I wasn’t comfortable in my own skin. It’s easy to attribute our insecurities and “inferiorities” to physical reasons (acne, body, friends, money). Improving these things can help with the way we feel, but often it’s a temporary solution to a deeper issue.

By consciously changing my energy and disciplining what I give my attention to, I have completely transformed my life. I have men approaching me constantly, text messages out of nowhere and more opportunities than I’ve ever had before. And I can feel it. Other people can feel it. Connecting to the core of femininity can change your life; and all change starts from within.

In this article I give you 5 ways you can amplify your feminine energy around others, and attract men naturally and authentically:

1. Presence

A huge factor in feminine energy is the ability to be present. It means disregarding the worries, what ifs and “how can I make this better?” questions. To be in your feminine energy is to be in your body. Pay attention to how you feel. Breathe deeply and feel yourself drop down into your body. Resist the tendency to get in your head or think of ways to fix everything around you. This energy is never needed with a man.

When you’re about to go out in public or with a man, I want you to work on your energy beforehand. Shake your willies out, breathe, listen to energizing music or talk yourself up! Whatever works for you in order for you to head into a new experience feeling high value and open to new experiences. Energy is crucial.

Let go of any analytical urges and prioritize what you are feeling. Are you feeling excited? Nervous? Desired? Check in with yourself. It’s okay to feel. Breathe it out and don’t be afraid to tell others how you feel if it’s appropriate. In doing this we aren’t pushing down what our bodies are telling us, but embracing it. Accept any worries or thoughts you may be having and allow them to melt away as you embrace the moment.

In presence you will be able to optimize your experiences with men. Instead of being in your head, you are immersed in the physical moment, able to check in with yourself without resistance, operating with honesty and acceptance.


Openness is a feminine quality that is irresistible to men.

Many women hold their feelings and vulnerabilities close to their hearts, protecting them from those who might reveal or exploit them. This stems from negative experiences, trauma, and even from the way society raises us.

Women have been raised in a primarily masculine world, built around hard work, results, perseverance and planning. We aren’t praised when we cry and share our feelings, we are praised when we’re intelligent and work hard, and are “boss bitches”.

While there is a necessary time and place to work hard, focus on you and even disregard your feelings (AKA your masculine energy), connecting to your soft feminine energy is crucial for attaining balance and harmony.

If you can drop the sword and shield, open your heart and share your feelings without insecurity or shame, you’ll be miles ahead of most women.

Now, being open can easily be misinterpreted. Being open does NOT mean complaining and being negative. Quite the opposite.

It means tapping into the inner child you have, moving through the world with honesty and optimism. It means seeing what goes right, not what goes wrong. You are not hardened. You are not broken. There is a bright, hopeful and playful girl within you waiting for you to invite her out.

Your man (and all men for that matter) will see this feminine radiance and be drawn to it like magic.

So listen to others, smile, accept their energies and drop the shield keeping you from connection. This world needs you and your beautiful heart.

3. Appreciation and Respect

Respect and appreciate a man’s efforts and he will return it ten fold.

Men (as we all know) want to FEEL like men. They want their masculine efforts to be noticed and appreciated, especially by women, most especially by a high value woman.

When you appreciate his efforts and respect his masculinity, the feeling he’ll get with you will feel so good he’ll never want to be without you. You must accept him as a man.

Acceptance of men does not mean pardoning bad behavior, having no boundaries and allowing betrayals. Not at all. It means noticing the mailman for carrying a heavy package to your door, the cashier for ringing you up or the mechanic who fixes your car. It means accepting and noticing men even in one little way.

Statements like “Thank you for getting us here safely” and “I feel so special when you open the door for me” will make him feel AMAZING. Recognizing those little things he does makes him want to do all those things and more in the future!

You see, men want in a woman what they cannot get from their friends, family and work. They want acceptance and respect. They want a woman who sees them in their masculinity and accepts it.

When you start seeing men (and people in general) not with resentment but appreciation, you are putting yourself in a vibration that will bring you abundance. An abundance of good men and good people will enter your life. It’s this change in your energy that makes all the diffference. 

xo, Aria

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