3 Texting Tips to Get Him Hooked

by | Jun 30, 2022

In today’s world texting can be a huge part of dating and relationships, so why not get it right? These 3 texting tips for women will instantly give you the ability to connect with a man faster through text.

I’m going to show you how to properly engage a man so that he’s constantly checking his phone for your notifications.


Respond Simply and Warmly

The number one thing people get wrong about texting is the dreaded Q&A. 

Has this ever happened? He asks how your day was and you say “Well I went to the store and then I took my dog for a walk and did some laundry and now I’m about to make dinner! What about you?”

He replies with basically the same format, and both of you are bored.

The problem here is that you aren’t connecting with him. You’re giving him a boring list and it gets old fast, for both of you. Instead what you want to do is this:

Allow him to react

This is so simple. If he asks you a question, answer it without asking another question. Allow him to react to what you said first. That’s all!

Make a Feeling Statement

Men love it when women express how something made them feel. So when he asks you how your day was, tell him how something that happened today made you feel.

For example: “I went on the most beautiful walk tonight and the breeze felt so calming and warm.”

That sounds a lot better than “I just got back from a walk wbu?”

You’re being open and feminine and positive, and it’ll feel good to him.

Don’t be overly wordy

Men and women are different when it comes to words.

Women are good at focusing on multiple things within one conversation, men aren’t. 

Keep this is mind when texting a guy. Don’t try to talk about different things at the same time or ask different questions at the same time. You aren’t in a rush to get and give as much info as possible.

He’ll enjoy the conversation more if you take it slow and focus on one thing at a time.


Be (a little) Unpredictable

When you text a guy it’s important that you show a little unpredictability and inconsistency.

Don’t Always Be Available

I know this may seem manipulative. But it isn’t, and here’s why.

Texting him back right away or with a lot of consistency makes you seem too available and eager. Not only do you not want to appear that way, you don’t want to feel that way.

He’s going to want space sometimes and so should you. Let him feel your absence one in a while.

You should never be lying in bed staring at your phone waiting for his response. It’s not attractive energy. You should be living a full life and prioritizing yourself. And because of that, you won’t always be available to him and you won’t always text him back right away.

He’ll start to anticipate and crave your texts more. A little inconsistency is very attractive in a new relationship and it’ll keep you on his mind.

For example: text him back five minutes later, and then wait an hour to reply to his next text. You can even forget to text him back one night. Little things like that.

Keep Him Guessing

In order to get him to chase you the way you want, you have to keep him guessing.

This might involve being very warm and flirtatious one day and then backing off the next. This is a lot like the point above but still worth noting.

If he thinks you’re super interested in him all the time what is there to chase? He thinks he already has you. You don’t want to be his constant source of validation and comfort. 

More importantly, you don’t want your energy on him all the time.

Men live for the hunt. So be a bit challenging sometimes.

One night, be engaged and flirty during your conversation; ask him fun questions, use a few emojis and be positive. The next day, take a little longer to reply and tell him you’re out with friends. Withdraw your energy from him and focus on something else.

He’s going to realize that your interest in him isn’t a given, and that he has to do more in order to have you.

See my article on how to get him to chase you with words

Show Interest In Him The Right Way

A lot of women think they’re showing interest in a guy when they’re not; or if they are, they’re not doing it in the right way.

Keep It Light

Make the conversation fun for both of you. Avoid serious topics like politics, past traumas and religion. Those kinds of topics are better discussed in real life when necessary. Instead, keep it positive and light hearted.

Ask fun questions like:

“Anything exciting going on lately?”

“What’s something you want to do this summer?”

It’ll boost his mood and open up the conversation for potential date ideas.

Listen to him

Show some curiosity for the things that are important to him. Ask fun questions and encourage him to tell you why he likes something and let him know you’re paying attention.

For example: “You seem like you love going on adventures ” A statement like this gets him talking about who he is and he’ll love that you’re paying attention.

Be Playful

Don’t be afraid to tease him a bit and be coy. This kind of playful banter can ramp up a conversation and bring you closer together.

Some examples:

“Can I expect to see you in that blue shirt you always wear? 😉 “ A little rib like this will make him feel self conscious and he’ll try to prove himself to you, but it’ll be fun and playful.

“I had a dream about you” He’ll want to know all about it, but leave it to his imagination!

Playful conversations will make him more excited to see you and you’ll start to bond.

I hope you enjoyed this article and benefit from the tips and tricks I’ve given you. I’ve seen a lot of success by following these tips and I know you will too!


See: 3 Simple Ways to Attract Men




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