6 Ways to Boost Your Attractiveness to Men That Every Woman Should know

by | Apr 1, 2021



Want to know the essential tips to boost your attractiveness to men that every woman should know? Below are the 6 tried and true ways to become more attractive.

Attractive women come in many forms, but often the qualities that make women attractive to men stay consistent throughout time. Keep these tips in mind and you’re setting yourself up for success with men.

I am not going to falsely advocate for anything in this article I don’t truly believe in. Supporting these things in order to appeal to a larger audience would be going against who I am. Some of you will resonate with this, and some of you won’t. I always come from a place of love, regardless!

These 10 things have been countlessly proven attractive to men, through studies and my own personal experiences. Some are noticeable, others are subtle. Keep in mind not all men are the same, and attraction is a marvelous spectrum.

This article is all about boosting your attractiveness to men.


  1. Feminine Clothes


Want to boost not only the number of men that notice you, but the attraction they’ll have for you? Wear feminine clothes.

More and more women today are wearing skinny jeans, hoodies, t-shirts, and sneakers; wearing these kinds of clothes can not only make you look masculine and feel masculine, they can make the perception of you masculine.

While these clothes may feel comfortable and easy to wear, I encourage you to explore your femininity through your outfits. Often what we wear can influence how we feel about ourselves, so if you want to fully embrace your femininity, I highly recommend starting with your clothing.

This includes: dresses, waist defining shirts, lacey and ornate details, skirts, jewelry, and feminine shoes.

This does not include: crop tops, extreme cleavage, tiny shorts and skirts, flip flops, skimpy dresses, etc.

All in all, find the clothes that make you feel the best about yourself. If that means hoodies, sneakers and jeans, great. If that means crop tops and short shorts, great. Dress for you and no one else. Just be aware of the message you are sending.

And keep in mind there is nothing as magical as a beautiful, feminine woman.


Related Post: How to Be Desirable to Men


2. Eye Contact


Make good eye contact.

This may as well be numero uno when you interact with men.

The eyes are one (if not the) most powerful form of non-verbal communication. You are constantly communicating with others through your eyes, so learning to be aware of this and hone it as a skill will help you greatly.

When you actively avoid eye contact with men, you are sending them a signal that you are not interested in interaction, or that you may be frightened or intimidated by one. This can easily make you appear insecure and unable to handle yourself.

Of course there are circumstances in which you may feel unsafe around a man. This advice is not for a situation like that. In that case, I advise you to stay in safe, public areas and carry a self defense weapon on you at all times.

I don’t recommend staring at men, because this can easily be unsettling and repelling. You are not in pursuit of a man. As a woman, it is not your job to pursue.

Instead, practice making relaxed (and brief) eye contact with strangers. This shows (and boosts) confidence.

When you open yourself up to communication and connection, you will receive his energies. Often we shut ourselves off from strangers and disregard any chance to make connections, but you are doing yourself a disservice by operating this way.

Do not be intimidated by interaction with men. You know yourself, your standards and your boundaries. You are equipped to handle yourself.

When you open yourself up to the world, you receive. Plain and simple. You will start to notice men sending you energy when you’re out and about. When this happens, accept the energy.

Women are intuitive, and often we can tell when a man is directing his energy towards us.

You can accept his energy by: making relaxed, brief eye contact, softly smiling and going back to what you were doing. This creates a good feeling in both of you. He noticed your femininity, and you allowed him to.

Most often the interaction will not go further than that, and if it does, you’re equipped to handle what may come your way. You’ll both have left the brief encounter feeling good (and this is a good way to amplify your feminine energy).

Make good eye contact. Accept his energy without expectation. Allow men to notice you.


3. Long Hair


Some women cannot grow their hair out, and some look amazing with short hair. There are many beautiful, feminine graceful and attractive women with short hair. Above all, find what makes you feel the best.

Knowing this, keep in mind that most men prefer long hair on women. It represents the fluid, mysterious nature of femininity and will signal fertility and health to a man.

Dyeing your hair colors like pink and blue is also widely considered unattractive. It can wash out your natural complexion and appear tacky and juvenile.

If you want to attract a wider variety of men, grow your hair out and keep it healthy.


4. Healthy Body


Prioritize your health and take care of your body. Nourish it, exercise it and speak positively to it.

The way your treat your body is a direct indicator how you feel about yourself. Being unhealthy is not attractive.

Avoid: processed foods, sugar, alcohol, drugs, isolation and negative self talk.

Pursue: clean foods, water, sunshine, community, exercise, and positivity.

Having healthy habits is an essential part of living your best life and attracting abundance into it.

Your body is capable of things you may not even think are possible. Without the right care, you are doing yourself a disservice and ignoring your potential. Eating right and exercising will boost your energy, promote healthy skin, and nourish your soul.

Eat better, exercise and start living up to your potential. You deserve to be healthy, and the people in your life deserve you at your best!


5. The Little Things That Matter


It’s the small things matter. Some general upkeep tips that you should get in the habit of:


  • General hygiene/cleanliness
  • Moisturized skin and lips
  • Nail care/polish
  • Hair care (all hair)

I know it’s easy to skip these things for the sake of time and convenience, but getting a good self care routine down and sticking to it proves your commitment to yourself and appearance. People will notice!


5. Slow it Down


Move slowly, gracefully and with ease. There is nothing sexier than a woman who is relaxed and unhurried.

When women move quickly and sharply they can appear high strung and masculine. When a woman moves slowly and gracefully she appears sensual and feminine.

Practice moving slowly and femininely in public. You’ll see that more people notice you as you walk past them.

Talk slowly, and softly. Even if you are in a hurry, do not act like it. Act like you have all the time in the world. People will start to hang onto your every word.

Think of a siren’s behavior. More importantly, think of yourself as a siren, and embody it.

Men will start to see this beautiful, siren like quality about you. This energy captivates and draws men in, it also can hypnotize them. You have the power to use this quality, for good or bad.


6. Smell Good


Men should not only be noticing you with their eyes.

As a woman, you should take full advantage of a man’s senses. This is done in 3 ways:


  • visual stimulation
  • scent
  • energy
  • voice


Scent is very powerful, and I can’t stress it enough! Find a scent that resonates with you, be it a perfume, lotion, body wash, etc.

Most men will prefer a sweet, feminine scent on you than they will a spicy, incensey scent. Keep this mind, but remember it’s more important to find a scent that’s you.

You can make yourself a memory this way, even to a stranger.

Related Post: 3 Simple Ways to Attract Men




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