how to be feminine in a relationship

Beginner’s Guide: How To Be Feminine in a Relationship

by | Feb 20, 2023

Tapping into your feminine energy is one of the most important things you can do in your relationship with a masculine partner. This article gives you simple, effortless ways on how to increase feminine energy and how to be feminine in a relationship!

I’ll be using he and she in the article during certain points, but it applies for any relationship with a masculine and feminine partner.


1. Find what you feel, not what you think


Feminine energy is all about feeling. It’s about being present and connecting to your intuition and pleasure.


The contrast of the feminine and masculine


When you look at any harmonious relationship, most often one person will have more feminine energy and one will have more masculine.

Both energies are present in each of us- they are yin and yang. it’d be almost impossible to find a woman who had no masculinity, just like it would be to find a man with no femininity. They are both beneficial in different situations.

For example, when a man taps into his feelings and connects with his emotions, he is in his feminine energy. When a woman uses logic and analysis to solve a problem, she is in her masculine.

Look at the qualities in the figure below representing yin and yang. Then ask yourself: “which of these am I embodying more of in my relationship?”


how to increase feminine energy

qualities of yin (feminine):

feeling, body, receptivity, inspiration, harmony, relaxation, intuition


 qualities of yang (masculine):

thinking, mind, active, linear, structured, forward-moving


Remember that masculine energy is the pursuer, and feminine energy is the receiver.

Each of us usually taps into both our yin and yang energy throughout the day. However, when it comes to your relationship with a masculine partner, operating in masculine energy pretty much works against you.

This can look like analyzing, problem solving and initiating the plans and forward movement in your relationship. If you find yourself doing most of the work in your relationship, you’re probably operating in your masculine energy.


How to tap into your feminine


Now that you know the difference between the masculine and feminine, here are some easy ways to tap into the feminine, with or without a partner:


  • Breathe deeply, drop down into your body and notice how you feel. Allow yourself to feel whatever it is you’re feeling without figuring it out


  • Do something that makes you feel relaxed, creative or spontaneous. This could be taking a bath and meditating, painting or going on an impromptu adventure.


  • In your relationship, don’t always be the one coming up with things you can do together. Let your partner come to you with plans and date ideas. Let them have the opportunity to lead. (if they aren’t pursuing you the way you’d like, see my article on when a guy is inconsistent with you)


  • When your partner comes home after work, most likely they’ve been in their masculine energy all day. Instead of talking about work, asking all kinds of questions and wanting to figure something out- just.. be. Show up in a relaxed, receptive state and see what happens


2. Playfulness


Masculine energy is more rigid and serious than feminine. As a feminine being, it’s so important to bring balance to your masculine partner’s tendency towards rationality and a need for structure.

Playfulness and spontaneity is a wonderful way to influence your relationship and take the lead while still being feminine.

Feminine energy is playful, spontaneous and feeling based. Masculine energy is disciplined, structured and thought based. If masculine energy is working in an office, feminine energy is running barefoot on the grass.

This means that your masculine partner probably has a tendency to be disciplined, serious and to get in their head. They might stick to a daily program or a routine. Don’t be afraid to shake up this structure by doing something unexpected!

A lot of women are also in this disciplined energy, which is normal. In fact, it makes it all the more important to be able to tap into the feminine side. As you tap into your feminine energy, it will start to feel easier to become playful and spontaneous.


Flirt and Joke Around


The more you flirt, the more you connect. You can do this by smiling, touching him playfully, making warm eye contact, drawing attention to your body and complimenting him. Use your imagination.

Sometimes we get so comfortable around the person we’re with that we forget how important it is to keep the attraction and chemistry alive. By flirting and being silly, you show that you want to have fun with them.

Also, don’t shy away from laughing and teasing! Finding the humor or beauty in otherwise normal or bad situations feels good to you and your partner, and is a great way to get outside of the routine you might be in.


Do Something Unexpected 


Since masculinity is all about structure and forward movement, femininity is naturally more playful and wild. It’s really refreshing to have this flirtatious and fun energy in your relationship, and it’s easy to create.


How to do it:


The most important thing is to get yourself into a state of feeling excited and creative. Sometimes we let the responsibilities, routines and schedules we have get in the way of us doing something spontaneous and playful.

In a relationship and in general, it’s essential to make time for situations and interactions that aren’t part of a plan or schedule. To do something just because you feel like it, simply because it feels good.


This could be:


  • going on an unplanned adventure
  • trying a new hair, clothes or makeup style
  • cooking a new recipe
  • encouraging your masculine partner to chase after you by running away playfully
  • initiating something sexual when they aren’t expecting it


When you start doing the unexpected, it’s really attractive. It shows that you want to try new things and be creative with yourself and your partner.

Don’t get me wrong, being a consistent and reliable person is very attractive. Just remember that when you’re too predictable, when you don’t allow yourself to try new things, it doesn’t do you or your relationship any good.

These are only a few examples of the countless ways you can bring playful and exciting energy into your relationship. Ultimately it’s all about what feels most fun and natural to you!



3. Give him space


If you want your masculine partner to crave you even more, make sure to give them space. As the feminine receiver, it’s important to allow the masculine the space they need in order for them to come towards you.

Two key parts of this are having your own rich life.


Have your own rich life


Don’t center your entire life around a relationship. Create a life so juicy and wonderful that the person you’re with is only a beautiful addition to it- the cherry on top.

When another person becomes a priority for you, it can feel easy to lose sight of your own priorities- but ultimately it doesn’t do you or your relationship any good.

You might think that if you center your life around the relationship, it will flourish. Of course your relationships needs tending to- just not at the cost of your own well being and dreams.

It’s okay to take time for yourself, hangout with your friends, travel without your partner. Make sure you are doing things for you.

In reality, the less you take care of your own needs as a response to a relationship, the more the relationship suffers. As much as you want to become the healthiest, happiest version of yourself, your partner does too (let’s hope).

So make it a point to still prioritize your friends, passions, goals and desires. Love yourself first. Ultimately it’s not attractive to a healthy person to be with someone who doesn’t take care of themselves.

If your partner sees that you are still focused on and passionate about your life outside of them, they will naturally feel more drawn to you. It’s a win win!




Being feminine in a relationship is really about finding what does and doesn’t feel good to you, and choosing to honor that.

By understanding feminine and masculine nature, tapping into your feminine side, being spontaneous and giving your partner space, I believe you strengthen your relationship and empower your feminine energy.


Article recommendation: How to Increase Energetic Attraction in a Relationship





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