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How to be Magnetic in 3 Easy Steps

by | Feb 11, 2023


Becoming magnetic is so important when it comes to attracting the kind of people and experiences you want into your life. You want to set yourself up for success when it comes to your energy, body language and communication, and this article will show you exactly how to do so.


1- Connect to Your Pleasure


A key element to magnetism is being able to connect to and prioritize your own pleasure. In doing so, not only will you be able to draw people toward you, but you’ll actually feel good in your own skin. This comfortability in yourself will transform your energy and the kind of energy you receive from others.

It’s broken down in 3 ways:


Your experience


Always remember that even when you want to make others feel good, your experience should always take priority.

Instead of worrying about what someone else’s experience of you is, it’s better to set the intention of “I’m going to enjoy myself as much as possible right now”. And when you make that promise to yourself, you’ll find that your behavior and entire experience starts to shift in a beautiful way.

This shift is going to draw people towards you because they can see that you value your own pleasure, and that’s very attractive.

The more you focus on you, the more they focus on you.




It’s easy to underestimate the effect we have on others- our influence is much more powerful than we give ourselves credit for. This is why you want to stay aware of your energy and words; no one wants to be around a person who walks into a room and starts complaining.

Optimism is contagious. If you want people to enjoy being around you, you have to lift them up, not drag them down. People want to feel good, and if you show up with positive energy and words that already makes you 10x more attractive.




A valuable paradox: the more you try to please other people, the less they care about your pleasure!

Having the ability to say no is something that makes you strong and authentic. When it’s difficult for you to express what you do and don’t want, not only are you disconnected from your pleasure, but you’re losing respect from others. It’s a lose lose scenario.

It’s empowering to be around someone with a strong internal compass. Someone who can stand confidently in their own expression and choose authenticity over fear.

This means connecting more to what feels right and wrong to you, and choosing to express that, despite the fear that comes up.



2- Body Awareness


Paying attention to your posture, eye contact and breath plays a huge part in how others perceive and feel around you, when it comes to your appearance and your energy. And you must already believe in the power of energy, otherwise you wouldn’t be interested in becoming more magnetic!



No one should choose to be shaped like a banana, if they can help it. Remind yourself to straighten your spine and relax your shoulders back. It’s healthier for your body and increases your attractiveness.

Basically, the more you fold up and close off your body, the less energetically open you are. And if you want to feel and appear confident, open and attractive, being aware of your body language can bring huge positive shifts.


Eye contact


Eye contact, or a lack thereof, can make or break the potential communication and connection you might have with someone.

When you’re afraid to look someone in the eyes, this can make you seem insecure and even immature. And again, it prevents you from connecting with people.

If you don’t want to look at them, don’t- just don’t be afraid to when you do.


Breathe and be Present


Our breath has so much influence over our state of being, yet most of the time we do it automatically, without thinking.

Controlling your breath and immersing yourself in the present helps you feel grounded and centered. It brings appreciation and awareness to your senses.

People can tell the difference between someone who is caught in up in their head and someone who is in the moment with them.

Just as it feels nice to enjoy the present moment yourself, it feels nice to be around someone who can give you their true presence.

So remind yourself to breathe deeply, calm down and drop into the here and now.

bonus tip: put away your phone when you’re having a conversation with someone! studies show that even having your phone on the table during a conversation has a negative impact on interaction.



3- Be Passionate, Intentional and Non Judgmental


It’s incredibly charming when someone is passionate and goal oriented in their own life. This, along with being interested in the passions of others, without judgement, is one of the most powerful ways you can have people feeling amazing around you.


Have Passion and Direction


Find your passion amidst the distractions.

This day and age makes it easier than ever to fill our spare time with endless scrolling, drugs and casual sex- but the effects of these things can be so desensitizing and destructive. These things can distract us and dull our vibrancy.

I believe this is why people today find it so hard to connect with themselves and others. There are an endless amount of distractions around us, and this makes it difficult to choose which direction to go in.

Making a commitment to discover and pursue your own passions is one of the most attractive things you can do. It’s an act of bravery and self devotion; it gives you a radiance that can’t be faked.

The message here: don’t get caught up in a cycle of dopamine hits and negative distractions. Pay attention to what energizes your soul, and choose to fully immerse yourself in it. This kind of self love and discipline is rare and beautiful.


Be Interested in the Others without Judgment


Having a true curiosity for the people you meet is a guaranteed way to make them feel good. When you’re genuinely interested in learning about someone, it makes them feel seen and important.

Practice being as loving and non judgmental as you can. In return, you will receive more love and acceptance from others. The more you judge others, the more judgment you receive.

When you choose to see the value and beauty in each person, it becomes easy. The more someone can feel at ease and appreciated by you, the more they will be drawn towards you. Everyone likes to feel appreciated and valued.





The three ways you can be more magnetic:


1– Connecting to your pleasure by prioritizing your enjoyment, being optimistic and having boundaries

2– Being aware of your body when it comes to posture, eye contact and presence

3– Having passions, being interested in others and being non judgmental


Hope you enjoyed xx

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