How to Get Him to Chase You with Words

by | Mar 3, 2021

We all want to do and say the perfect things in conversation, especially when we’re around a guy. We assume that if we say a certain thing, pose in a certain angle or wear a certain dress his love will soon follow.

While these things are important in their own ways, they provide a weak foundation for something real. True infatuation comes from his adoration of your being and desire for your mind. The tips I mention in this article can be used in a thousand different ways, and each is guaranteed to ignite feelings in him he’s never felt before. Here’s how to get him to chase you with words!


 1. Use Feeling Statements

This is such a crucial tool in conversation with a man. Feeling statements bring out a desire in him to make us feel good, because ultimately that is what he wants. Men want women and children to be happy, and enough affirmation of that will not only make him feel manly, but will make your company heavenly to him.

For example, if he opens the door for you, say “Thank you, I feel so special” or “I feel like a princess!” These kinds of statements reaffirm that he is making you feel good and he will try to do this again.

If he does something you like, a statement like “It feels so good when you ___ .” will absolutely melt him.

On the contrary, if he does something you don’t like, say “I feel sad that ___ happened.” or if he cancels plans say “I feel bummed that we aren’t going to spend time together.”

Instead of focusing on him and being negative, you are coming from a place of honesty and feeling with yourself.

Avoid saying “you” too often. Statements like “I feel like you think that I’m ___” are not feeling statements. This is a thought in front of a feeling statement, and when you make it about him you will push him away.

Try not to overuse feeling statements. It’s important to give value to your words, so use your feeling statements shortly, sweetly, and when it matters.

By using feeling statements we are letting men have a glimpse into what our bodies are feeling, whether good or bad; and we are getting what we want without complaint or demand.


2. Don’t Talk Down His Life

 This is a must.

Quite often the hobbies, friends and family of a man won’t be completely perfect or appealing to you. You may not care for a sport he loves, you may not like a certain friend of his. Regardless, if he is a good man and you want him in your life, you shouldn’t make it an issue (unless boundaries are being crossed).

If you tell him you hate football and refuse to watch it, or you think Chad is an a-hole, you may as well be telling him that’s what you think of him. You are all but telling him that a certain part of his life is not good enough for you, and that that’s the end of the story.

 If something comes up and you think it’s a good time to share how you feel, it’s a great opportunity to use feeling statements in a respectful way.

It’s important to a man that the woman in his life fits in with the things that are important to him. If you aren’t enjoying what’s important to him, willing to try new things or compromise a bit, he may not be the one for you.

 You don’t have to pretend to love football and Chad, but keep an open heart and mind. Give these things a chance and embrace what’s important to him. You never know what you’ll discover.


3. Ask him what he thinks

It’s that simple! This is another way of letting him know what you want without pressuring him.

It’s helpful for figuring out whats on his mind AND for allowing him to step in and problem solve.

Asking what he thinks about something is not only great for point blank questions, but also great when paired with feeling statements.

For example, “I always look forward to spending time with you, but it would feel really good if we did something besides watching a movie at your place. What do you think?” Now how does this compare to “All we ever do is watch movies at your place. I don’t think you’re putting effort in anymore.”?

Which of these statements is going to lead to the best outcome for both of you?

The days of repelling, combating and complaining are over. Invite in what you want from him and allow him to succeed with you.

If he doesn’t enjoy putting in effort for you or meeting you halfway, leave him and find someone who does.

Now you’re starting to see the power of your femininity.


4. Trust

Last but not least, trust.

Telling a man you trust him will melt him.

Good men want to feel like they are doing a good job of protecting you and earning your trust.

There isn’t only one way to say you trust him. In fact, you may not even completely trust him yet. That’s fine. Start incorporating this magic word into other things.

For example, if he’s telling you he feels uncertain or stressed about something, say “Dealing with this must be heavy, but you’re so capable that I trust you know exactly what to do.”

Because the truth is, most men don’t want you to solve their issues for them. They want the comfort and assurance your feminine energy provides them, and by reaffirming his capability you reaffirm his masculinity.



 These 4 sweet, simple tips will bring magic into your love life; he’ll be chasing you and the wonderful energy you have!

I’d love to hear how these tips worked for you, and thank you for reading my content 🙂

xo, Aria

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