how to have feminine energy

How to Have Feminine Charm

by | Feb 17, 2021

Ahh, feminine charm. Elusive as ever in our modern world, a charming woman enchants and hypnotizes those she crosses paths with, intentionally or not.

What is feminine charm? Charm itself is defined as a power of attracting and pleasing, whether by beauty or demeanor. In this article the latter is mentioned, as I think it has more importance. Feminine charm combines regular charm with the unique tenderness, playfulness, compassion and peace femininity brings.

What does it take to have feminine charm? An alteration of your authentic self with hard work and commitment? An insanely beautiful appearance? Not at all. Your feminine charm need only be discovered. Below are 3 steps to unearthing the feminine charm within you:

Be Open, Warm and Playful with Others

A charming woman is receptive and kind. She is relaxed in her body, speech and energy. She does not react quickly or have her guard up, but is instead open and warm with others. She lets her hair down and enjoys the moment without getting in her head.

Listening is a true skill in today’s world. It isn’t easy. You can easily become a better listener by getting out of your own head (which is an important factor in feminine charm, as you’ll see), and simply paying attention to the person you’re speaking to. People can tell when someone is or isn’t engaged with them, and it matters!

With each interaction you have, your energy should be at the same level or higher. This shows you are happy and engaged with the person, and there is no greater form of flattery.

This isn’t to say you should take the air out of a room for others to feel your presence. A charming woman has humility, and does not focus on getting attention, because she receives it without even trying.

Don’t take yourself too seriously. Don’t do it! This kills charisma faster than lightning. A woman who can laugh easily and make the sun come out on a cloudy day is magnetic.

Listen to others, smile, laugh, make eye contact and everyone will feel your beautiful energy and be hypnotized by it.

Be Confident

Confidence is easier said than done, right? Totally.

If only we could hear this phrase and say “Okay! Great! I’m confident now!”

The real meaning of confidence is this: No matter what, I will be okay. That’s it. Anytime your self worth is shaken, or you are nervous about a new experience, or something happened that was out of your control, say this. “No matter what, I will be okay.” Because you will.

This can be difficult, as insecurity affects everyone at some point and can get in the way of many great experiences and conversations. You don’t have to eliminate anxiety in order to be charming. Instead, simply try to accept it and continue moving forward.

Breathe deeply three times, shake your willies out, and let yourself get out of your head and back down into your body. Nervous energy has no place for you, and will not serve you on your journey. Everything about who you are is okay. It is very important to remember this as you navigate the world!

So stand up straight with your shoulders back, get out of your head and remember that no matter what, you’ll be okay.

Don’t Try to Please Everyone

A charming woman does not obsess about what someone thinks of her or says about her. The more you worry about this, the less respect people will have for you. Your self worth comes from you.

When you spend energy trying to impress everyone not only are you only focusing on yourself (in a bad way), you are being being inauthentic. Approval has no meaning if it does not come from authenticity. A high-value woman is real and honest, with herself and others.

You must always remain true to your values and boundaries. A charming woman knows who she is, what serves her and what doesn’t. Don’t be afraid to say no! A woman who knows when to move on gains respect.

Once you learn how to regulate yourself and not be at the mercy of people and situations out of your control, you will be a force to be reckoned with.

Feminine charm is one of the great natural abilities a woman can discover within herself, an ability we often use without even knowing it. As you find and honor your femininity, I hope you will see the true love and positivity you can spread.

I hope you enjoyed reading this article as much as I enjoyed writing it 🙂

xo, Aria

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