5 Ways to Attract Someone Without Communicating

by | Nov 17, 2022



Do you want to be on their mind without communicating and manifest your desired outcome? No matter who this person is or where your relationship is at, this can and will work if you follow the steps below.

The techniques I’m going to share with you aren’t quick fixes – while some people get the results they want almost immediately after they practice these, don’t expect immediate gratification. In order for this to work, you’ll need to let go of the outcome and have faith in the process.

Here are 5 ways to attract someone without communicating.


Feel What You Want


When you think about what you want to happen with this person, pretend as if it’s come already. Take away the negativity and seriousness that’s attached to it; make it light and fun. The universe responds well to light, playful energy. I know this is hard because we can want something soo badly, but the more stress, desperation and neediness you attach to something, the more likely it is to run away.

The person you want has an energetic frequency. They can feel your energy just as you can feel theirs, even if you aren’t in the same city. Even if you act normally in person, if your vibe is needy and insecure don’t doubt for a second that they won’t feel it.

This is why it’s all the more important that you pay attention to how you feel, the stories you tell yourself, the way you think about them. You want your energy to be fun and yummy, not negative and doubtful.

Forget about the scenarios you don’t want and visualize sending those thoughts away.

Start to feel the reality you do want. What does that look like? What are the tastes, smells, feelings that come as your desired outcome shows itself to you?

You can practice this during brief moments throughout the day, or dedicate a 30 minute meditation to it; the amount of time doesn’t matter as much as the power of you feeling it.

For example: you want to get a notification from them. Instead of doubting that they’ll even text you, or thinking they won’t (negative energy), imagine the notification popping up on your phone right now. How does that feel? Just start playing around with the scenarios that feel good to you and convince yourself that they are entirely possible. Have fun with it.


Create a Love Corner – Balance Out Your Space


This is one of the OG feng shui techniques to attracting love.

Feng shui is the practice of arranging the pieces in a living space to create balance with the natural world. It’s an ancient Chinese technique that claims to use energy forces to harmonize you and your space for attracting the most abundance. While it can be used for your entire home and living space, we’re focusing on the bedroom today. Specifically, creating a love corner in your room.

When you enter your bedroom, the corner farthest away from you and to the right is your love corner. This is not the corner directly to your right, but the one that is the farthest away from you and to the right. Usually this will be a diagonal line from your doorway to your love corner.

In your love corner, and bedroom in general, avoid having art that looks lonely and sad. Instead, bring in art and decorations that are in pairs. For example, if you have a painting of one butterfly, swap it out for a painting of two butterflies. Start bringing balance to your love corner and your space in general.

You may think that demonstrations like this are silly; that they’ll have no effect on the person or relationship you’re trying to attract. You may think this is too woo-woo and it’s a waste of your time. This will work if you believe it will and stop doubting.

The way you take care of yourself and your space sets a very powerful intention. Do it and you’ll see!



Be in Your Own Frame


People will always be most attracted to you when you’re taking care of yourself. The better you treat yourself, the better others treat you. The more you value yourself, the more others will value you, and so on.

Think of yourself highly, and act accordingly. Ask yourself:

How can I prioritize my well being today?

Where have I been giving away my power and how do I reclaim it?

When you are really into someone, it’s easy to have loose boundaries (with energy, time, intrusive thoughts, your body, finances, etc). You’re always thinking about them, you’re constantly sending them energy whether it’s on purpose or not.

Sending them energy isn’t the problem, it’s your lack of authority over it.

Don’t obsess and exhaust yourself over this person.

Reclaim your energy and visualize it coming back to you. Be in your own frame and enjoy the present moment, with or without them.

Make sure your energy is going to you, not them. You need to have boundaries with your energy and train it to be directed at what you want, which should be you and your own experience.

When you connect with your soul and body there will be a certain glow to you; people (and your specific person) can notice this, even if they can’t put their finger on it.


Send Them Energy


It’s important to know when and where to save your energy, and it’s important to know when and where to send it.

Times you should not send them energy: when you are sad, lonely, frustrated, angry, desperate, or feeling any kind of negative energy.

Times you should send them energy: when you feel excited, playful, positive, powerful, present, and sexy.

When you are trying to attract someone, make sure you’re sending them good energy. You should be coming from a place of self love and expansion and the highest good.

If you’re trying to attract someone to you while you’re feeling low, insecure, needy, and controlling – it’s not going to work. No one wants that energy. Choose a time where you’re feeling love for yourself and for them.

Think about all of the reasons you appreciate them, all of the good feelings you have with them (or the feelings you want to have), visualize them coming towards you, being drawn to you like a magnet.

What would it feel like if they wanted you? If they showed up at your door? If they couldn’t stay away from you? What would it feel like if they chose you?

Close your eyes and indulge in your imagination – feel this reality in your body. Tap your heart and send them your love, like an energetic arrow.


Forget About the Outcome


The feelings in your body are more powerful than the thoughts in your head. Focus on the feelings you want to experience with this person, not the end goal you have in mind. Place the feeling in your body before the outcome in your head.

Don’t think “Once I have this person I will feel happy and loved”. Instead, feel happy and loved now.

Pray for the highest good of all, not just yourself. Surrender your need for control. Stay open to all of the ways your manifestation will come to you, and relax. You have communicated, in more ways than one, what you want. Now it is time to detach and trust in the universe.

The most crucial part of all of this – trust. Trust that you have been clear and loving enough with your intention. Trust that your beliefs and wants have been heard. Trust that a force higher than yourself is working in your favor right this moment.


See also: What to Do when You’re Overthinking in a Relationship 

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