3 Ways to Stand Out From the Crowd

by | Jun 29, 2021



Want to stand out from the crowd? Below are the 3 ways to stand out from the crowd that everyone should know.

All of us want to be the woman that stands out in the crowd. The one who everyone notices and wants, the one who is remembered forever. While this is often a romantic fantasy for most women, having this energy and effect is possible.


First and foremost, consider why you want this effect. Is it for validation and reassurance of your insecurities? If so, there is other work that must be done first. Entering any new situation or experience with a feeling of lack or need is sure to backfire on you.

The strange thing about life is that the people and experiences which are truly meant for you come to you when you least expect it; when you aren’t needing and wanting and wishing.

It took me a long time to stop caring about what others thought of me. My journey, my choices and my appearance seemed reliant on what others said or thought about me. It kept me from shining. I was dimming my own light for fear of what others would think of its brightness. When you relax and make peace with uncontrollable circumstances like people’s opinions of you, you will begin to shine.

So remember this: you do not need attention to be beautiful. You do not need affirmation of your worth to be worthy. You are always with, more than you are without. Trust in this.


This article gives some tips on how to stand out from the crowd using energy, appearance and intention.


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Step One: Enjoy Yourself


Think about the kind of people you notice and remember. Are they focused on everyone else’s pleasure? Are they insecure or reliant on reassurance? Or is it the exact opposite?

The people we tend to notice are confident and unapologetic. This is an energy that is developed, and it doesn’t have to be loud either.

Most women are so focused on impressing that they forget to have fun. Instead of asking yourself “How can I make this person notice and like me?” Ask yourself “How can I enjoy myself right now?” This will change all of your interactions.

One of the keys to attracting not only men to you, but everything else that is meant for you, is focusing on you. You are the main character. The way you feel and how your experience is going should always be a priority. When you focus too much on what someone else is thinking and doing you are disconnected from your own experience (the one that matters).

So when you’re out in public, be it work or a party or even just standing in line to get coffee, breathe and drop down into your body. Be completely present in your surroundings and allow yourself to flow with what feels natural. This changes everything and it’s the most crucial step to having your energy noticed and desired.

You’ve tapped into the feelings in your body, your own pleasure, and you regulate your own confidence and experience. Is isn’t up to anyone else.

When you navigate the world this way, people will take notice of it. It is energetic. Enjoy yourself.


Step Two: Don’t Follow the Crowd



A sure way to stand out from the crowd is to do something they are not doing.

This seems obvious. Yet far too many women think that in doing what everyone other woman is doing, they will be noticed and praised. It never works. The women who do whatever feels right to them, who resist or at the very least question group mentality; these are the women who are remembered.

This can be applied in many different ways. If you’re at a party and all the girls are allowing guys to take body shots off of them, be the girl who doesn’t participate (don’t do this anyway honestly). It’s a silly example but a good one.

I’m not encouraging you to have such a contrarian mindset that you must lie or exaggerate to stand out. I’m encouraging you to think for yourself and choose to stand alone when it feels right. You are not so lost and insecure that you must agree to whatever is most popular in a given moment. Don’t be afraid to rock the boat (with class). People will take notice and respect it.


Step Three: Dress the Part


While energy is the foundation of standing apart from the crowd, appearance is the icing on the cake. It’s more than easy to show up in public wearing convenient and comfortable clothing, a simple t shirt and jeans, maybe. Instead of a t-shirt and jeans, consider a dress or a feminine blouse. Don’t be afraid to dress up and impress. Find clothes that make you feel confident and accentuate your femininity.

Consider also that clothes and makeup are a kind of glamour. They bring about certain moods and feelings, associations and first impressions. They are magical in this way, because they can make us feel a certain way when we wear them; they can make others feel a certain way. If you want to feel like a goddess, dress like a goddess. Wear beautiful jewelry and clothes. Never underestimate the power of visuals on men, especially.

Now if t-shirts and jeans truly make you feel most like you, then by all means wear them. You can wear the most beautiful sundress in the world, and if you don’t feel comfortable with yourself in it then it will be a moot point. The important thing is that you feel completely comfortable and confident in your skin. They will notice babyy.


It doesn’t take hard work to stand out from the crowd. It takes doing internal work so that your energy can shine the way it’s meant to.




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