3 Simple Manifestation Techniques That Will Change Your Life

by | Jul 16, 2021

These 3 manifestation techniques have the power to change your life. Are you ready?

Instead of desiring and pondering your ideal future, it is time to start truly manifesting it into your reality. Not tomorrow, not next week and not in six months. The time for your ideal life is now.

Whether you’re just starting to manifest, have been for a while or don’t even know what manifesting is, you’ll learn helpful techniques and context when it comes to the law of attraction.

These are simple mindset and energy shifts that will blend seamlessly into your life and improve it greatly.

This article will go over 3 simple manifestation techniques that work.


1. Water Manifestation


Water manifestation is extremely powerful and extremely easy.

Our bodies are made up almost entirely of water. Yet we don’t put much thought into the water we drink and bathe in. It’s just water, right?

Studies done by the late and renowned “pseudo-scientist” Masaru Emoto have shown that water molecules change when exposed to different energies and emotions. Emoto claimed that human consciousness could change the molecular structure of water, and that the way we interact with water is much more important than we ever thought.

He claims that writing, thinking or speaking to your water before you drink it results in massive health benefits. Not only health benefits, but overall benefits.

News article on Dr. Emoto

I know, it sounds crazy. Yet using water as a manifestation tool has never been more popular, and for good reason. Countless testimonials, including my own, will say that water manifestation works wonders for the body, mind, spirit. Water is very powerful.


What you will need:

  • sealable water bottle (for long term use)
  • drinking cup (short term use)
  • water

The specific materials you use won’t change anything, but many prefer glass bottles and cups along with filtered water. Your energy and intention is what is important here, so if you don’t have access to those I promise it won’t make a difference.


First: Write your list


Jot down a list of what you want, as if you already have it. For example:

  • I have my dream house in Spain
  • I am healthy and radiant
  • I make enough money to travel wherever I want


The list can be as long or short as you like, whatever feels right to you.

If you know what your manifestations are or would rather think of them on the spot, go for it. This is all about your intention and what works for you


Second: Get Into Flow State


Flow state happens when we are completely immersed in the moment we’re in. You may also call it “being in the zone”.

After filling up your bottle or cup, find somewhere where you feel at peace and comfortable.

Breathe slowly and deeply through your nose, and come to a relaxed state.

View each desired reality that you wrote down, one by one.

As you continue to breathe, focus on each one by thinking about how you would feel if this specific reality came true. You’re not only imagining it, but you are feeling it as if you already have it. What does this reality feel like? What does it smell like? Feel it in the present moment that you are in.

You are charging the water with your energy and aligning it with you and your desired reality. The water that makes up 75% of your body is now tuning into the frequency of the life that you want.

If you are using a sealable bottle, you can store it for days or longer, taking sips daily and thus not having to recharge it. Of course you can (and should) also charge your daily cups of water when you can.


See my article on how to make your life magical


2. Visualization Before Bed


Visualization is a fun manifesting technique that encourages you to explore your creativity and dive into the depths of your imagination. We already visualize all kinds of things throughout our day, and it works to create our reality, whether we realize it or not.

Knowing now that we’re already creating our reality, actively or not, we can be more intentional with our thoughts and energy.

Visualization is especially powerful before bed when our minds are in theta state. Theta brainwaves occur when we are in a deeply relaxed state, drifting to sleep, sleeping, and waking up. It is easier to reprogram your subconscious mind in theta state.


Deep, mindful breaths


Before bed, practice deep, mindful breathing. Mindful breathing will help you get into a state of complete presence and flow state.

Your manifestations will be most powerful when you are completely present and blissful, celebrating the moment instead of wishing it were different. This is why it’s easier to manifest before you go to sleep, because your mind and body are relaxing and you’re more open to positive programming.




In your relaxed state, visualize whatever it is that you want. Have fun and go crazy with it. There are no limits to your imagination and no physical restrictions.

It’s important to act as if. Don’t start visualizing and think to yourself, “If only I had this”. You do have it. The very fact that you are resonating with it means that your soul is called to it. Trust that what you desire comes easily to you when your energy is aligned with it.




Say you are envisioning your life with an ideal partner. Ask yourself, “how does it feel to have my ideal partner?” Would it feel exciting? comforting? blissful? All three? Tap into that energy and start feeling it in your body.

What we don’t realize is that when it comes to our thoughts and feelings, our bodies aren’t as analytical. If you’re watching a scary movie and getting stressed out, your body will think it’s in an unsafe or dangerous situation. Even though your mind knows you aren’t in danger, your body doesn’t.

This is why it’s so important to focus on feelings in manifestation and not just thoughts.


3. Gratitude and Abundance Mindset


Grateful and positive people not only appreciate more, they receive more.

The more you acknowledge and give thanks to your blessings, the more blessings you receive. It seems too good to be true, but it’s a simple law of the universe. If you operate in abundance, the universe has to match that energy. An abundant person doesn’t have a life filled with lack, because the reality they’ve created is filled with abundance.

Believe it or not, you deserve the life you desire. The issue is, you haven’t realized it.

Acknowledge what you do have, and more will come to you.

A man who appreciates the money he has right now will have a better chance at attracting more than the man who laments about how broke he is.

Think about it like this: you want to be in a beautiful relationship. You think about it and wish for it and want it badly. But when you see a strong and beautiful couple, you feel insecure and lonely, maybe even spiteful. Well, energy works like a magnet. Your insecure, lonely and spiteful feelings ensure that you’ll never have that kind of relationship. You’re repelled by the relationship, and the relationship repels from you.

You have to be attractive to the things you desire. 

Align your energy with the life you want before it manifests in the physical reality, and trust that it’s already yours. Remember that what is yours will never pass you by.



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