Siren Series Entry One: Why is Sookie Stackhouse So Special?

by | Jan 24, 2023


What makes Sookie Stackhouse from Charlaine Harris’ novels and HBO’s True Blood so appealing? From vampires to werewolves, all the men in the series seem to have an inexplicable obsession with her. She isn’t the most beautiful woman in the series, but almost everyone who’s watched the show will say there’s “something about her”. This article is all about what makes Sookie so attractive, what takes away from her attractiveness and what we can learn from her character.

Siren definition: a seductively beautiful or charming woman, especially one who beguiles men


1. Innocent Femininity and the Need for Protection


When you think of a siren you may imagine a dark and dangerous seductress, leading a man to his demise; while this is a capability of a siren, it doesn’t mean she can’t be a good girl. Sookie is the ultimate good girl, yet men often throw themselves in harms way for her. Why?

Sookie has a strong air of innocence and naivete, which are assisted by her girlish clothes, southern accent and small frame.

It’s no secret that men love a damsel in distress, and Sookie is just that, whether she likes it or not. Her innocence makes her appear vulnerable and helpless, even though she’s quite capable.

It’s not so much about needing help as it is about inspiring in a man the desire to protect.

“You are speaking of my future lover. Be more respectful.”

-Sookie Stackhouse

Sookie’s good nature and straightforwardness make her very pure. This along with her feminine clothes and social awkwardness bring a strong sense of femininity and innocence. Innocence which inspires the men in the show to shield her purity from pollution and harm.

When a man is in a position to help a woman and she lets him, this makes him feel very masculine.

Women today are more independent than ever, which is great. However, in consequence, modern culture can encourage us to view and treat men as disposable or unnecessary. Sirens don’t treat men this way. Just because you’re entirely capable of something doesn’t mean you shouldn’t let a man do it for you sometimes. A siren knows that by allowing herself to receive from a man- whether it’s the opening of a lid or the slaying of a vampire- his desire for her will increase.

Don’t be afraid to play damsel in distress sometimes and let a man do something for you. If he offers to take care of the bill, let him without fuss. A siren has no resistance to offerings and protection.


2. Sassiness and Boldness


Sookie’s bold and very sassy. Despite her good nature, she doesn’t tolerate any disrespect and is quick to stand up for herself, make a scene and call people out when it suits her. She doesn’t do it in a tough, masculine way though- she remains femininely sassy (most of the time). This is important when you want to remain attractive even when you’re upset. If you let your anger make you act harshly and masculine, it doesn’t do you any favors.

So how can you stay feminine in your anger?

Don’t use harsh language and don’t yell too often – Sookie can curse and yell a lot, and this is a problem I have with her sassiness. Cursing just isn’t cute and takes away from your attractiveness. I would save the cursing and yelling for when it’s really necessary and avoid having it be a part of your daily language.

Avoid calling men certain names- Okay, this is a fun (but often misunderstood) one. When you’re upset at a man, it might be tempting to call him things like a coward, liar, weak, f*ckboy, disrespectful, etc. If he really is those things and you have no desire for him to be in your life, then go ahead by all means. But calling a man names that paint him as weak is very repelling and will only push him further away from you.

If this is a man you care about and you want to avoid doing permanent damage, use other words instead.

Use language that has more humor and charm. Say something like “I can’t believe you could be so cruel to me” with a pout. Words like cruel, unfeeling, and vicious make him feel masculine and make you look like the soft feminine counterpart. He’ll be a lot more likely to find you endearing and make it up to you, trust me.

As a disclaimer: the above advice is not meant to address domestic violence or emotional abuse. Neither should be tolerated and using feminine language in response to these is not what I’m recommending. Using feminine language works well when your safety isn’t at risk, in normal interactions, disagreements and misunderstandings.

The key is to express your anger in a way that doesn’t emasculate him, while also expressing your feelings.

I know when you’re upset the last thing you want to do is empower him, but using strategic language when you’re upset is a superpower. Why would you push him away with your anger when you can draw him closer and still get the results you want?

Sookie shows us that sass and boldness can be very attractive when done the right way. If you stay feminine even when you’re upset, you’re more likely to get what you want. Simple.


3. Strong Character and Good Nature


Through and through, Sookie is a good person. She’s reliable and trusted by the people in her life. She’s fiercely protective of the people she loves. It goes without saying that this contributes to her perceived “value” and specialness. Especially in comparison to some of the darker characters around her.

Sookie highlights the stark contrast between life (Sookie) and death (vampires). In the early seasons of the show this is very apparent. She’s full of goodness and liveliness, while her lover is dead and complicated. Making her again, very pure.

Having an admirable character is an essential element to feminine charm. A man will usually want a woman that he can place on a pedestal, a woman who he views as kinder, more patient and more virtuous than himself. By holding yourself to high moral standards and acting with integrity, you automatically place yourself on a well deserved pedestal. It gives you an angelic nature.

I’d argue this is one of (if not the) main reasons Sookie is so attractive to the men in the show. Sookie is arguably the most good natured woman in the entire series.

It goes without saying that doing unhealthy things, lying, not keeping promises and having a weak belief system don’t do you or the people in your life any good. This doesn’t mean you can’t have messy moments and screw up sometimes, it just means that you should always strive to be the kindest, strongest, most honest version of yourself.

For a man to fall in love with a woman, she has to bring some light to his darkness.


Sookie can definitely be counted among the ranks of a siren, and has valuable lessons to impart when it comes to attracting men and embracing femininity.

I had a lot of fun on this character analysis, hope you enjoyed + learned something new xx



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